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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 20

Hello folks!
Goodness, I am sorry for the lateness of my update!  It's been a busy few days for sure.

I again have to make this short and sweet as I'm squeezing this post in before seeing son #1 to the bus stop, son #2 to preschool and then making it back in time for my day care/preK enrichment kids. (gasping already)

So lets get right to the #'s, shall we?  After a not so hot (eating wise - but not terrible) weekend, I was pleasantly surprised to see a 1 pound drop!!  Do you know what this means my friends?????
35 pounds down!!!


New pair of jeans here I come!!  Actually, I still have the 25 pound reward awaiting me (hair cut) and the 30 pound reward (2 hours to myself) as well.  Tough trying to find a good hair dresser that doesn't charge $40 and up!!

Othat than that peeps - how about The Biggest Loser last night?  Hugh? Hugh?  Between Koli and Daris.  Who are ya voting for?  I really like all of the final 4 so it's a hard choice for me.
Are Mike and Ashley a couple?  Hmmmmm seems that way.  Way too cute!!!!

Ok, it's time to get these men off to school.  I'll write soon. Have a super great week all!!!


  1. WOO HOOO!!!! Congrats on the new milestone, what an accomplishment! I always get stuck at 25, so that 35 is looking REALLY good to me! You inspire me!! Thanks!


  2. Gotta love those pounds dropping off! Congrats girl! As far as TBL last night. I hope Koli gits the boot! I voted for Darius. WFH is up with Koli leaving his hometown full of his supporters and goes and hides out in Vegas? He should be voted off just for that 1 reason alone. He is arrogant and doesn't deserve to get the money. GO Ashley! And I think Mike and Ash are way cute together.

  3. Congratulations on 35 pounds!! That's awesome - and hard to do - good for you!!!

    I joined spark people this week and started using it to track my food and exercise. It's great! I love all of the feedback you get.

  4. Congrats on hitting 35 pounds!! That's so exciting!!

    As for TBL, I think Mike and Ashleigh are cute together, Dean and I were saying how we think they may be a couple. I didn't vote because I couldn't choose between Darus and Koli. I was shocked that he gained 2 pounds though!!

  5. Sounds like you should get the new jeans, the new haircut and a one hour massage followed by a mani/pedi... and then post a new picture! Hope to get together soon!
